Join the 7-Day Shut Down Your Computer at Night Challenge

This is a challenge to shut down your computer every night - and the practices and mindsets you need to do it.

Why this challenge? It isn’t just because shutting down a computer helps it stay healthy. It is because it can help YOU stay healthy - at least in your relationship with your technology. 

When is the last time that you shut down your computer?

Shutting down your computer is a kind of raised flag of victory that you have finished working for the day, and you are able to more fully focus on and engage in non-work activities. Even if the only non-work activity you feel you are able to give time to is sleep, getting more of that sounds nice.

For many people, it is hard to “shut down” working with a move like shutting down their computer. It isn’t just because there is always more to do than we have time to do it in. It is because shutting down the computer is a more involved process than just hitting the power key. It means closing all the “open” things that we are doing (digitally and metaphorically). Imagine you hit the power key on your computer right now and it was going to start up again fresh. How do you feel? 

There are just SO many benefits to shutting down your computer at night. Even if you don’t do it every single night for the rest of your life (who does that?!), you’ll get a taste of how good it can be when you are shutting down on the reg. In order to shut down at night, you’ll need to look at your existing practices and processes around things like email, browser tabs, your calendar, daily routines, your to-do list, how you prioritize your tasks and your time...and to challenge if what you are doing right now is supporting your work and your life in the best ways.

I want you to be managing your digital experience on your computer to the point where you feel GOOD about the idea of shutting down your computer. But that does not come overnight. That is why the first 7 days of this challenge are foundational and educational - meaning you don’t have to start shutting down your computer every night in those first 7 days. All you need to do is find about 30 mins of your day to read about or watch a video about things like:

Why is it donations based: I think these skills are so necessary and I want you to have them regardless of cost.

Are you in?

  • Day 1: How to shut down

    Day 2: How to shut down your...apps

    Day 3: How to shut down your...browser tabs

  • Day 4: Designing your startup experience

    Day 5: Getting a password manager

  • Day 6: Choosing your Big Rocks

    Day 7: Practicing gratitude

7-Day Shut Down Your Computer Challenge

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